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Grading Day reminder please make sure your sifu has registered you for the grading dates

Coming Soon Manchester Wing Chun Video Section click the link see what we have planned. Why not have a look at the Grandmaster Ip ching Videos

Always remember that sharing is developing, so add a topic to the forum or give a reply to help other members.
Please take a few minutes to have a look at our chat forums

Please fill in this form should any of your circumstances change or if you are adding a new membership

Please make sure you read the terms and conditions

Manchester Online Classes Single Session

Manchester Ching Mo School Single Year membership renewal

Please enter your name below

Pay for your school membership directly by clicking this link, the total fee also includes Postage and Packaging

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Click the Subscribe link to automatically renew your Ching Mo Membership annually

Please note if you wish to purchase a digital copy of the syllabus DVD then go to the grading syllabus page and click the link at the bottom.

Click the link to see a short synopsis of your member to member cover

Please read the Ching Mo School Rules, as this will help you develop and train better

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Pay for your online class here

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Wooden Dummy Seminars Link

Wooden Dummy Seminar Sections Online

Triangle Stepping & Dummy Footwork image

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Ching Mo Schools Wing Chun Forum